Golden Circle Rituals with Lori

As most of you know, I spent a few weeks in Europe this summer and ended up visiting Berlin, Denmark, Italy and the ski town of St Moritz in Switzerland. As I ended up spending a large chunk of my time in Berlin, I was very interested in exploring the city’s wellness scene. I spent my mornings scouring the produce at bio stores and farmers markets, the afternoons at tea houses and matcha bars talking to Berlin’s wellness experts and my evenings walking around the lake or going in for a yoga session.

I ended up meeting Lori on a beautiful weekday afternoon. We grabbed some kombucha, berries and mate tea from a cafe and walked over to the nearest park to chat. I’m honoured to be able to share a bit of what I learnt about this magical woman here.

Lori had only just moved from Vienna to Berlin with her partner when we met in August. She was raised by a very strong, intuitive and sensitive woman and healer who had been hosting retreats, rituals and weekly witch circles for as long as Lori can remember. Naturally, she was able to connect with different energies, became a keen learner of the moon phases and often examined how our bodies interacted with nature. Fascinated with esoteric practices, Lori was always inquisitive about moon phases, meditation and of course, tarot. She talked about how our hyperconnected worlds prevent us from dialling down, taking stock of our stressors because we are unable to become mindful and be at peace with what is happening in the ‘now’. Both, Lori and her partner, believe in the transformative powers of nature and recommend that people spend as much time in the outdoors as possible to reflect, introspect, slow down and heal.

She started the ‘Golden Circle Rituals’ because she has always been passionate about using a gathering to empower, support and inspire women on journeys to their purest self. Her retreats are often far away from the humdrum of city life and have elements of nature and water that offer catharsis to our overwhelmed brains. People who attend her retreats end up feeling more balanced, centered and at ease with themselves and the circumstances in their lives.

She believes that a woman’s intuition is a very powerful tool if used and harnessed correctly. It is in these workshops and retreats that she holds space and leads the way for women to hone in on their true power. She says, and I quote- ” I take you back to yourself. I take you back to nature”.

Typically speaking, her workshops include affirmations, a guided meditation, healing crystals, time spent in nature, the healing power of music, a tarot reading and intention work. As I talked to Lori about the future of sacred women’s circles and retreats, I learnt that women have been congregating in circles for a long time now and the circles help build a community to foster compassion, warmth, trust and sisterhood. To know more about the significance of a circle/gathering – have a look at this link here.

Lori is planning a few very interesting retreats in Vienna and Berlin in the next few months. You can get in touch with her on instagram for personalised guidance, tarot readings, sisterhood gatherings and self-love circles. For more information, drop her an email at [email protected]

P.S- It was a pleasure to connect with Lori and I cannot wait to hold space with this incredible lady someday soon.

P.P.S- if you are a lightworker, angel card reader, retreat coordinator and would want to collaborate- please reach out to me.

Jia singh
About me

I am a Delhi-based nutritionist, food & wellness consultant and freelance features writer. I write for a variety of different magazines and websites in India and overseas on restaurants, travel, wellness and food.


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