Shaina’s day on a plate

My Day on a Plate:

As a nutrition statement, I strongly believe in “Eat local and eat fresh”. My nutrition rules are simple; I eat that which has a low GI (Geographical Index) food and that which is fresh, I don’t believe in eating things out of a packet and I keep a track of my sugar intake.


Currently in my life I’m transitioning with respect to two aspects, a) I’m going to begin working again after not having worked for a while and b) I’m now a vegetarian, who’s still eating egg because I don’t know how to eat my food without egg.

Transitioning into being a vegetarian has been a challenge for me because when I’d started with CrossFit I was a non-vegetarian. All my meals and often snacks too had meat as the main ingredient. I have now started focusing A LOT on veggies and lentils, even the seasonal ones, which I’d often miss.


Prior to CrossFit, my outlook towards fitness as a lifestyle was a little different. I had a nutrition plan, but because I was working in the field, Madhya Pradesh as a part of my research work, walking and cycling were the only forms of exercising for me. Post CrossFit, it was not just nutrition and exercise, it was about ‘Eating’, ‘Nutrition’ and ‘Training’. With training came hunger, I will definitely admit to that CrossFit makes me hungry, it requires you to eat because you’re using your body to it’s maximum potential and pushing yourself beyond your limits, it requires good amount of nutrition. I truly and wholly understood the meaning of using and incorporating food in my life as fuel.


Going into work again means, now shifting my entire schedule. As a Counsellor I usually have back-to-back sessions and eating mid sessions is a big NO. And because the breaks are so short I make sure that my snacks are ‘quick’ snacks.

Keeping these two in mind I’m going to share what ‘A Day on my Plate’ looks like:

6:00 a.m.: Wake up and Morning snack. I prefer eating a banana. You can choose any SEASONAL fruit, preferrably organic produce that is nutrient dense.


Since I’m working, I have to prep my meals and carry those along at work, to ensure that I don’t eat junk at my workplace. It takes me about 45 minutes to cook my meals and snacks.

8:00 a.m.: Breakfast- I usually eat eggs, in all form along with a multigrain toast or Roti. I prefer homemade Roti because it’s made from our own concoction of multigrain flour. If I have time then I enjoy all forms of breakfast. I’m talking about Poha, Besan cheela with cottage cheese, Upma, Dosa (with the chutneys, sambhar and gunpowder), Idlis (with the chutneys and sambhar), homemade porridge, Utthapam and my very own favourites Paranthas (all varations) on a lazy Sunday.


10:00 a.m.: Snack- a handful of home-roasted peanuts. These can be roasted in half a teaspoon of Ghee. Just add a pinch of salt to that and we’re good to go. I take this with my tea, if I get the time to.

12:00 p.m.- Snack- Smoothie (200ml). I make my smoothie using a fruit, of your choice, seasonal and should survive the blender, like an apple, banana or pear. I add my fruit to yogurt, powdered flaxseeds, powdered almonds and ice. If you crave sugar and are used to taking protein powder as a part of your nutrition plan then this would be a good place to add it. / Soy milk- 200ml.


2:00 p.m.: Lunch- Now because I’ve recently turned into a vegetarian I’m trying to include Quinoa into my meals in order to ensure that I get my share of protein. I take one cup (measuring cup) of cooked Quinoa with seasonal Veggies and lentils. / I rotate this plan with Roti or rice. Depends. For example, if you’re planning Kadhi please enjoy it with rice etc. Remember I’m adding Quinoa because I’m still learning how to meet my protein requirements.

4:00 p.m.: Snack- This is usually my tea time, so I take a big handful of roasted chickpeas. You can add anything you like, I often have a handful of Makhanas at this time too. The Makhanas are home roasted in half a teaspoon of Ghee, both ingredients great for the health of your heart.

6:00 p.m.: Pre- workout snack- one fruit (seasonal and of your choice) and 6 almonds.

Post –workout: Within 10 minutes, two boiled eggs (whole).

9:00 p.m.: Dinner: One cup Quinoa and Veggies.

If I’m working late at night then I take 100ml of soy milk or a large mug of herbal tea.

Since my waking hours are long I have a larger number of meals and since I have a greater number of meals I am very careful about my measurements. Please keep in mind that you MUST measure your food according to your activity levels and the intensity of your workouts.

Cheat meal philosophy: I allow myself a cheat meal once a week. This usually happens on a Sunday when I can rest, plan the week ahead and indulge mindfully. I eat whatever my body is craving and I savour it. I believe a cheat meal is important because it allows you to eat healthily through the week without wanting to binge or overindulge.

About the Author:

Shaina Bhatia is a Delhi based school counsellor for the Shri Ram School, Aravali, Gurgaon. She is 27 years old and is a crossfit enthusiast. She is intuitive, magnanimous and extremely compassionate. She loves fiercely and holds high regard for all creatures great and small. She recently started training as a vegetarian and is loving the benefits.  Head over to her instagram feed here

Jia singh
About me

I am a Delhi-based nutritionist, food & wellness consultant and freelance features writer. I write for a variety of different magazines and websites in India and overseas on restaurants, travel, wellness and food.


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