How to deal with anxiety

I promise you nothing is as chaotic as it seems. Nothing is worth your health. Nothing is worth poisoning yourself into stress, anxiety and fear – Steve Maraboli

I got divorced a while ago and while I feel like I have been managing pretty well, I too, have days where I wake up anxious or find it hard to wind down. Anxiety, although pretty common, can be absolutely terrifying because you feel like you can’t breathe, your heart beats faster than it should and your hands get clammy and sweaty. I have learnt with time to accept these episodes when they come and practice a few rounds of deep breathing or just wait until they pass but I have to say it hasn’t been easy. Here are a few tips that I employ in my daily life to alleviate anxiousness and that jittery feeling that no one likes.

We all have mornings when we wake up feeling anxious. Here are a few things I recommend to help you feel better-
– Take a breather and go off into the woods or spend some time by the water (lakeside or the sea). Spend some quality time with your family or your close friends.
-take a magnesium supplement in the evenings to help with the nerves.
– Ask your doctor if you can take valerian root, chamomile, passiflora or passion flower to help with the nervousness and anxiety.
– stay away from social media and your computer and smartphone for at least a day. Also, wind down earlier and refrain from using your devices a few hours before bedtime.
– visualise your heart rate slowing down and you feeling calmer or play a Yoga Nidra meditation in the background to help ease you into the process
– Don’t bite on more than you can chew. Every once in a while say No when you need to personal and professional commitments if it stresses you out to be out and about all the time.
– celebrate small victories and stop beating yourself up about what didn’t happen.
– limit your tea and coffee to one cup a day as caffeine exacerbates anxiety very often.
– take a walk in the outdoors or go kickboxing or for a yoga class. The endorphins will really help with your mood.
– Eat food rich in tryptophan and enjoy a nice fish with vegetables for dinner.
– drink warm mugs of chamomile tea before bed time.
– Spend time with your pets in the evening to destress. There’s nothing better than going for a run or taking a stroll in the park with your pooch.
– Speak to a confidante, friend or counselor about what is bothering you. There is no shame in asking for help and talking to someone often lightens your load.
– Manage a gratitude journal. Find things that you are grateful for and write them down and watch your stresses slowly melt away.
– Check your vitamin D, cortisol and blood sugar levels. Very often low levels of Vitamin D could leave you feeling jittery, anxious and cranky. Low blood sugar levels can also trigger rapid heart rate and a sinking feeling. Speak to your physician about supplementation if you do find that you are deficient or consult with a dietician to find a plan that will keep your blood sugar levels stable.
– Herbs like brahmi and ashwagandha also help restore vitality, alleviate stress and help with irritability and depression. Speak to an ayurvedic physician to find the best formulation and dosage for you.

Remember that everyone gets anxious once in a while and its important to know that ‘ this too shall pass’. There’s no shame in asking anyone around you for help or in talking about things that might make you anxious.

This youtube link might help you wind down and fall asleep easier at night.

Have a lovely weekend!
Love and light!

Lead image courtesy- Aradhita Wadhwa

Jia singh
About me

I am a Delhi-based nutritionist, food & wellness consultant and freelance features writer. I write for a variety of different magazines and websites in India and overseas on restaurants, travel, wellness and food.


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